The Forts of the Eastern Cape by Prof. Colin Coetzee has been reproduced and updated in 2019 with additional information. Printed by Creda Communications, Cape Town. Limited quantity of 50 numbered copies. This magnificent publication on the history, structure, and eventual demolition of the forts used by the British forces during their occupation of the Eastern Cape, in the period of the Frontier Wars (1799 – 1878) is now reproduced for those individuals with an interest in the frontier wars and the military enthusiasts who require information on the forts themselves. Although the text and photographs remain the same, the book has been changed with the introduction of coloured maps, clearer photographs, and additional paintings and images that conform with the period of the time.
This book is a must for those requiring an extremely rare publication. Now available ZA Rands 800,00 includes PostNet to PostNet postage in South Africa.